CRank: 5Score: 7040

400,000 for that he's smoking crack this guy is something else he doesn't even know how to write code or html he just comes up with the idea's and says here u go team now lets have people fund it obviously because no one wants to publish his garbage

4112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is like the 8th time i've heard next gen games are going to be 70 bucks in the us !?!

4112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who cares this guy is a joke all he was at IW was the community manager and he acts like he is some bigshot his shit is going to suck

4112d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Thats it I've had it with ubisoft now they are stuffing assassin creed games down our throats and i used to love this franchise, But now Im over it, I will not buy this garbage its like they said oh people liked the sailing missions in ac3 well lets make a whole game out of it sorry but the sailing missions got redundant and boring in ac3 so u can keep this garbage.

4113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i really like the way dice handled the dlc with this game new maps modes guns weapon skins dog tags with each dlc and it was perfectly spaced out unlike call of booty !

4113d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

For one killzone is generic and garbage period infamous is a very good ip, Lets get real here knack looks like a garbage Katamari rip off. But i will say this the reason I gravitated towards the xbox was because of sony being cheap not adding cross game chat,The generic cross media bar is a joke and xbox live is ten times better hands down,But now I am very satisfied with the new ui pictures that have been released and I know the ps4 will be great but im pist sony promised me the ps3 was goin...

4116d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All you kids crying need to get a new hobby ! stop feeling so entitled and im sorry but the peacekeeper is not overpowered and it is easily combated pull your panties up ladies !

4116d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Battlefield is by far the best fps to date haters gonna hate ! Im so tired of hearing these bums talk about micro-transactions stop bitching it's not something thats forced upon u

4116d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

For one who cares what anybody says on this website and who in the hell cares about meta critic reguardless if u like the ip the crysis franchise has been amazing! but if u dont like the game or the developer stop trolling and get a life i swear this site is getting more pathetic as more ads go up and more idiots sign up

4116d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fact is games are expansive to make, u remember how entitled gamers felt about the mass effect 3 ending because they spent 60 bucks? Stop feeling entitled if u cant afford 60 bucks for a game and gaming will only continue to get more expansive in the future if u cant afford i suggest find a new hoppy.

4118d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't count microsoft out yet the last time i checked just one of microsoft's exclusives (gears of war 3) out sold all of sonys first party exclusives combined that is a fact !

4120d ago 10 agree35 disagreeView comment

microsoft is not worried about sony gears of war 3 sold more then all over ps3 exclusives together in one year! so stop trolling

4122d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

you guys are nuts from a technical stand point castlevania is way better then uncharted tomb raider rip off with purty graphics castlevania game is way better

4122d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

dead space 3 was amazing and this will be day 1 purchase

4123d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

just cause it plays the same doesn't mean it will be the same in my opinion they ruined this franchise i hope it tanks like i said no locust no executions no down but not out = no gears the 3 main pillars of the franchise are gone the game is just a generic tps now :(

4123d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

commander mode has already been confirmed ! and the xbox next specs r dam near identical to the ps4 so stop being gay and grow up both consoles will be great

4123d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a shame that the PS3 was suppose to be a 10 year console and they came out after the Xbox and now the Ps4 is coming out before the next Xbox believe Sony is sweating Microsoft if Sony doesn't get it right this time the play station brand will be dead just like the 200 million dollar office building Sony just sold in New York,so stop talking shit and start talking with your wallets and help Sony out and by the way,by time the Ps4 comes out it will be no better then a low-mid ran...

4125d ago 3 agree21 disagreeView comment

I am a console gamer myself but the fact of the matter is no matter what consoles do they will always be behind spec wise when they ship until the day the make console's u can upgrade ! I dont see why sony or microsoft hasnt made a system like the x51 that is future proof !

4125d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

pass on this garbage dont codone to the way they ruined the franchise no down but not out ! no locust ! no executions = no buy !!!

4125d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ha Ha im glad this pos got leaked and pirated fuck epic and people can fly trying to turn gow in a cash cow like cod. Way to ruin one of my fav ips epic, I knew there was a reason all the real talent quit epic they sold out! Let the casuals buy this garbage. How do u take executions out of the game, thats what made the game so fucking unique and fun idiots,which also takes out down but not out, then u take the locust out because people cant relate to them ? what a joke people was always shitt...

4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment